China Fines Wal-mart, Carrefour for Cheating Customer

China fines Wal-mart, Carrefour for cheating customers

In Jan. 27, 2011, China fined Wal-mart and Carrefour cheating on the price of certain items. They raised the original price while sales promotions or charged customers higher than actual price. Later in that day Wal-Mart (China) and Carrefour both apologized to their customers and promised to strictly monitor the prices in the future.

In the business world, integrity and brand image are the two most important parts that all companies should focus in any case. Any kinds of mistakes in those area will absolutely affect the market even with a perfect public relations strategy. Indeed, apologize is the first thing that mangers should do while being beset with a business ethics crisis, but what to do after the apologize decides whether the company can regaining the trusts from their customers.

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