Small Business Hit by Shutdown

                       Small business owners already hit by shutdown

Small business owners already hit by shutdown. -October. 4, 2013

    NEW YORK (CNNMoney),”The government shutdown has already caused some small businesses to lose work and money, according to a new CNNMoney/ survey.”

     “General contractors are finding that they’re booking fewer jobs, and janitorial companies have lost contracts in federal buildings,” said Sander Daniels, co-founder of

    Government roles a very important character in business chain. Any decision made by it may effectively change the business market. In this case, small business like photographers, caterers and DJs lose some job opportunities. In other case, it may directly impact the growth of a industry. Managers should be aware that market was influenced by variable elements. It is not possible to make everyone satisfied, so recognize the order of priority before making a decision.

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