Lululemon “Bending Over” to Save Brand


Vancouver origionated company, Lululemon, is amending their relationship with customers after a temporary protocol insisted customers bend-over for store empolyees. This news comes after Lululemon issued a recall on 17 percent of their athletic pants for potentially being too transparent. A customer was allegedly instructed to bend-over with the pants on, while an employee inspected the pants in question. Bending-over for employees was supposedly protocol before the recalled pants could be returned. It was not long before Lululemon appologized for their protocols and returned the pants with a no questions asked policy.

From a personal perspective, a company should have other ways to verify a defective product rather than forcing customers into uncomfortable positions and exposing themselves. Ethically, this is innapropriate for employees to suggest to their customers, especially when this was not the only option. For example, light tones could have been put between the pants and external exposure be viewed from there.

The negative light that this news brought to the company affected the brand, employees, existing and potential customers, and the shareholders. From here, Lululemon can reinstate their return policy to the public and ensure a better future when it comes to Lululemon products.

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