Doing the right thing is easier said than done, but not for Tiesto.

Tiesto, the world renowned DJ had a show scheduled for October 28 at the Pacific Coliseum. On the day of the show Tiesto planned to fly in from London to Vancouver, but unfortunately his flight got delayed and was trapped in London with no way of making it to Vancouver in time for his show. He even tried to pay for a private jet, but even they need four hours notice. Ultimately, the Vancouver show needed to be canceled.

Now, how did Tiesto manage to cancel a show and still take ethical measures?

Tiesto himself broke the news to his fans about the unfortunate circumstances through Twitter. This was followed by constant tweets from Tiesto about his situation in London “that one time I fly commercial to Vancouver my plane gets super delayed.”- @Tiesto. Although fans were devastated, they felt more connected than ever to their favorite artist because of Twitter. Nobody forced Tiesto to periodically update his fans, but it was tweets like these that made it ethical thing to do.

The show was postponed to the following week, featuring a 3 hour-long special performance by Tiesto to make up for his prior cancelation.

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2 thoughts on “Doing the right thing is easier said than done, but not for Tiesto.

  1. Pingback: Ethical choice is easy 4 Tiesto http://b… | Business Fundamentals Section 104

  2. Pingback: Doing the right thing is easier said than done, but not for Tiesto. | Matt Harnett's Blog

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