
Hello Everyone!

For the new activity in the self-care assignment, I decided to pick up a hobby: making paper airplanes! It’s been something that I’ve been meaning to start for a while now; since I received a 2020 paper airplane calendar for Christmas. However, with the general mess of assignments and due dates, I was never able to dedicate the required 10-15 minutes per day to keep up with the calendar. So, I decided to start by using this project as motivation!  Which was pretty convenient, since picking up a hobby is a  really good way to spend time during social distancing. 

For the creative piece, I created a slideshow presentation of the last 14 days’ worth of paper airplanes I’ve made. Included in the presentation are a description of the activity, a reflection, photos of the planes, a few videos of me flying the planes, and instructions to make my two favourite planes. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to show the media directly in the discussion (sorry in advance!). So, I attached the PDF below as well as my videos (which don’t work in PDF form). If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 

Thank you for reading and stay healthy, 


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