Choose the right way to market


After came to Canade for a year, I found that KFC is not really popular in Canada. However, KFC is really popular in China. KFC and McDonald can be seemed in the same position in Chinese fastfood market, even KFC is a littel higher than McDonald. This suitation happened because of several reasons.

KFC and McDonald used differentiation strategy when they first came to chinese market. KFC is more concern about the porfit and the sales these years,but McDonald is focus on lower the price to competited. Although McDonald is cheaper than KFC in China, KFC catches more chinese people’s attention. KFC changes its food to be more suitable for chinese dietary habit and tastes.KFC also has a advantage that its products are more about chicken, however McDonald has more foods made by beef. Chinese eat more chinken than beef since before. Also for the supply chain, KFC is more perference for using chinese local suppliers to reduce the cost. McDonald gets it’s most supply from American producers. KFC uses different promotion method to cover a broad audience, such as giving free toys with the set meal to attract children, promoting the family set meal for family, geting the second for half pricing for friends……which can get a large number of customers.

Different stratgy make the companies get different level of development. Choosing the right stratgy is important for company’s development


McDonald’s monthly sales fell 1.8 percent in October, the first decrease after 2003. Although there is a financial crisis in U.S. which can be a reason for the sales decrease, competition is a more important reason for this. The competitors of  McDonald have advertising their new items recently.For exampl, Burger King Worldwide Inc. (BKW) is promoting a gingerbread cookie shake and a Wisconsin white cheddar burger while Wendy’s Co. (WEN) has a new bacon portabella melt. Although McDonald is promoting their new items too, these not make a difference to others while people all doing the same thing. Making a point of difference is very important to the company. Competitions are fierce these days, a prominent feature is required for the companies to keep their position in the market.  In fast food business,products are not that different, so it is more needful to make a difference.

Work cited:  Leslie Patton -,Nov 8, 2012 1:08 PM PT,

Satiric Advertising really works?

        The Pepsi-versus-Coke advertisements  have given people a strong impression. But will people really think coke is lower than the Pepsi from what the ads implied? Maybe not. Pepsi satired Coke in the advertisments to make the ads become more interesting and attract more customers. This is Pepsi’s marketing strategy to promote its products, however it is disparaging it’s competitor. Ethical business is needed in the modern world. Although companies can make money through lower their competitors, the ethical things are more important than the money. Walrmart is doing the same kind advertisment now. The ads itself actually doesn’t has any problems, but this method make us think more about ethical business and how to make money more morality. Whatever you do to your competitors cannot comopare with what you change yourself.

B to B

UrtheCast Earth In HD

Companies can be simply divided into two kinds: sale products to consumers or sale products to another business. Energyaware and Urthecast can be goods examples for the companies that sale their most products to groups.

Energyaware produces a machine that helps householders to control the energy in their house. The product shows how the energy being used in your house and it can adjust the energy using by the householders’ schedule. Energyaware has it own website but individuals cannot buy the product online. Energyaware sells its products to the communities and other businesses, which give the company larger numbers of sales.

Urthcast is a company that collects the data or image from the satellite images and sells these to other company. The business itself requires technology and capital, so the company needs to find the government to support. Urthcast is cooperated withRussiawhich has advanced aerospace technology. Urthcast is selling its products to other communities, too.

Selling products from business to business is a good way of marketing. The company will have a large number of sales one time and it saves more manpower and recourses. But the company will lose many potential individual customers with only trade with companies. For Energyaware, it actually loses many individual customers without purchasing online. However, selling to individuals will require more cost for the company. To determine the target market and the selling method for a company, managers need to consider it comprehensively.

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