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UrtheCast Earth In HD

Companies can be simply divided into two kinds: sale products to consumers or sale products to another business. Energyaware and Urthecast can be goods examples for the companies that sale their most products to groups.

Energyaware produces a machine that helps householders to control the energy in their house. The product shows how the energy being used in your house and it can adjust the energy using by the householders’ schedule. Energyaware has it own website but individuals cannot buy the product online. Energyaware sells its products to the communities and other businesses, which give the company larger numbers of sales.

Urthcast is a company that collects the data or image from the satellite images and sells these to other company. The business itself requires technology and capital, so the company needs to find the government to support. Urthcast is cooperated withRussiawhich has advanced aerospace technology. Urthcast is selling its products to other communities, too.

Selling products from business to business is a good way of marketing. The company will have a large number of sales one time and it saves more manpower and recourses. But the company will lose many potential individual customers with only trade with companies. For Energyaware, it actually loses many individual customers without purchasing online. However, selling to individuals will require more cost for the company. To determine the target market and the selling method for a company, managers need to consider it comprehensively.

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