To infinity and beyond ?

by admin

Whether its a big budget blockbuster or a science fiction novel we have all heard of and imagined flying through the guy strapped to a jet pack with our aviators on. Now we actually can as a company in Christchurch, New Zealand has been able to make a jetpack that is not only practical but also safe. Other bloggers like Matthew Stibbe from forbes has also written about this start up.

As Matthew points out in his blog post the company has decided to use fan powered engines and a conventional power source unlike the previous ones which has used hydrogen peroxide. This has not only insured the safety of the personal using the jetpack but also makes them more sustainable and affordable. But the one question that still stands is that,” Would I really want to buy a jetpack ?” I personally cannot imagine integrating a jetpack into my daily life, thus I feel that the greatest problem this company will have is trying to advertise to people why and how this product will be a nescicity in their lives in the near future.