Our pants are not the problem,YOU ARE !!
by admin
After reading Matthew Andersons blog on Lululemon I was reminded about all our discussions in class, but this was looking at Lululemon in a negative light. Recently the CEO said ” Some women just can’t wear lululemon pants”, basically telling the consumer that his clothes were just not made for plus size people. As Matthew mentioned in his blog, I too have great respect for the rapid success that the company has been able to achieve under his management but at the same time I feel that this will have a big blow on the sales of the company.
As Matthew said, most customers that bought their clothing will feel disappointed if not hurt that the founder himself said that the clothing was not for them. This also might be the reason why the shares have plumeted from $84 a share to $69 a share. I believe that what the CEO has said could have been said in a better way but to rectify this I believe that he will have to market the plus size audience.
Blog Commented on :- https://blogs.ubc.ca/matthewanderson/2013/11/08/one-sour-lemon-lululemon/
Cites used :- http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/divas/lululemon-not-for-everyone-plus-a-sale/2151494