September 2020

Writing Team Invitations

To: Anusha Saleem,

From: Shuge Luo,

Date: September 22, 2020

Subject: ENGL 301 Writing Team Invitation


Hello Anusha,


I am Shuge Luo and I am a first-year student of BCS program. I am reaching out because I couldn’t help but notice your extensive background in the industry, and how this work experience translates into the commutation skills required in this class. That could be a valuable asset if we can form a writing team.


Besides, the alignment in our background as computer science student would contribute towards a strong basis in our technical writing. I am eager to connect to students in my cohort. Likewise, I am not a native English speaker and your passion and hardworking truly aligned with my beliefs that we can contribute to our team with unique skills and experiences from different backgrounds.


Attached to this email please find my letter of application. I would be honored if we form a writing team together.

301 Shuge Luo Application Letter

Kind regards,


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To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 99A Instructor

From: Shuge Luo, English 301 99A Student

Date: September 18, 2020

Subject: ENGL301 Writing Team Application Letter Summary


I have written a Letter of Application to establish myself as a committed teammate for ENGL301 Writing Team. You can find a copy of my Letter of Application enclosed in this memo, and I provided a summary below.


  • Hope to be considered for a position in a writing team with an overview of my educational background.
  • Advantages that the previous degree offered me.
  • My experience in fieldwork keeps me be open-minded.


Please keep me informed if there is any additional information you need.

Kind regards,


301 Shuge Luo Application Letter

Application Letter

ShuGuang Rd, Yuhua District,

Changsha, China


September 18, 2020

ENGL 301 99A – Technical Writing
University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4

Dear fellow ENGL 301 99A classmates:


I am Shuge and I am writing to apply for the position of the candidate for your writing team this term. I am a graduate of Anhui University located in China with a bachelor’s in Chinese Language and Literature. In June, the University of British Columbia offered me a position in the BCS program which provides a platform for students with diverse educational backgrounds to find their interests in the field of computer science and boost their career life in the tech industry.


As a student of Chinese Language and Literature, I had the experience of mentoring students of all ages and sorting out problems relating to different cultural backgrounds. Past teaching shows me the importance of communicating precisely with patients. Although creative writing and literary critics are my strengths, I have been practicing procedural writing with letters, reports in professional settings for the last year. Over the creative course I took at the University of Edinburgh, I managed to work with my teammates to deliver a practical solution for Zero Waste Scotland, the process of which required verbal and written communication in all forms.


I am also experienced in conducting fieldwork and interviews in the rural area. In fieldwork, I learned the way to communicate with those who share different values through life experience. Being open-minded to understand from their perspective refined my work ethic. Sometimes there could be misunderstand happened specifically when talking to short-tempered elderly people. They are listening to assess how receptive I am to their point of view and I need to concede there are other views different from my own. I believe that regardless of where are they come from, there is always something new I can learn from them or the reflection of society.


In closing, I admit that I may not be as good as a native speaker, but I will try my best to fit in and learn from you. I am looking forward to gaining better writing skills with you and please email me at


Kind regards,



301 Shuge Luo Application Letter