November 2020

Unit Two Reflection

Unit Two Reflection

In Unit Two, we are introduced to drafting a proposal from the formal report and setting up a networking profile like LinkedIn in a professional way. It was quite challenging for me since the first task requires time to selecting a research topic and the second task requires me to explore a new platform where I can connect with professionals. Searching best practices online and reading my teammate’s posts gave me a lot of useful ideas. Overall, the engagement of this unit is valuable.

For my formal report, I decided to choose the topic of waste management in Edinburgh. Since I was studying in Edinburgh last year, the relative course project allowed me to dive into the area I am interested in. I did a lot of research about this topic and I have a good deal of insight to offer. However, the process of writing a formal report was not as easy as I was expected. The proposal should be structured with an introduction to the problem, proposing a solution, and defining the scope and audience. I was confused with the first two parts when I trying to give my audience the background of my topic which also include a solution to some extends. The scope of proposal did help me understand my goals and direction. The instructor points out the logic problem in my previous proposal, and it made me realize that I need a outline to keep the logic solid. Overall, the task of writing a formal report is challenging but improved my writing techniques.

The assignment of setting LinkedIn profile required us to gather 10 best practice and implement in our profile. Some of the tips look obvious, such as giving a short title and having a profile photo. However, I notice that there are many of the LinkedIn members haven’t provided their photos and leave the title blank. Giving a concise introduction to the previous working experience was the most difficult part. Since I had no working experience related to tech, I need to highlight the communication skills learned from my previous job which could benefit me in terms of working in a tech company. I was also wondering if it is necessary to put my previous degree in the education experience section. After the peer review, I Listed all relevant technical skills and did the test provided by LinkedIn.

This unit gave me a lot of enjoyable experiences and also make me realize there are spaces for improvement such as peer reviewing and drafting outline. I learn useful tips from my teammates and the instructor’s blog which I hope could help me do better in the next assignment.

Peer Review of proposal

Revised Formal Proposal