
ENGL301’ is a writing course in the form of an online educational platform offered by Dr. Erika Paterson.

The ultimate goal of this course is to enhance students’ technical writing skills; it plays a significant role in their future career prospect. The students will be placed into different groups – where they will learn and practice peer-to-peer reviews. With the form of online learning, this course extends the capability to learn a wide range of studies through analysis and discussion; engages students in various virtual platforms of communication e.g. LinkedIn and other socials to build students’ online portfolio.

To achieve this goal, four steps have been designed to overlay the whole curriculum:

  1. Knowing the audience of your writing and the sector of business correspondence.
  2. Get involved with social media and have a strong presence; designing a report proposal.
  3. As student’s become more acquainted to social media, they are asked to write a full job application; prepare a report outlining the proposal.
  4. Developing networking strategies; Representing the formal report.

At the end, all essential elements above will be added to Student’s Web Folio to display them to the industry.


Personally, I hope to gain the skills for creating a sterling resumé for the future co-op application. When I wrote my resumé and cover letter for a job position last month, I realized that my resumé was painstakingly disorganized, especially for the project experience. The strategies and job application simulation offered within this course will definitely project my future career higher and brighter.

This course is not only important for those students who are preparing for their potential occupation – but also, to equip themselves with a solid report and communicate skills for their walk of life. Last but not the least, I enjoy the improvement of my written skills in business and in technical contexts; career-oriented – and I hope it would help me convey myself more effectively.