Writing Team Invitations

To: Anusha Saleem, ubcasal15@gmail.com

From: Shuge Luo, shuge@student.ubc.ca

Date: September 22, 2020

Subject: ENGL 301 Writing Team Invitation


Hello Anusha,


I am Shuge Luo and I am a first-year student of BCS program. I am reaching out because I couldn’t help but notice your extensive background in the industry, and how this work experience translates into the commutation skills required in this class. That could be a valuable asset if we can form a writing team.


Besides, the alignment in our background as computer science student would contribute towards a strong basis in our technical writing. I am eager to connect to students in my cohort. Likewise, I am not a native English speaker and your passion and hardworking truly aligned with my beliefs that we can contribute to our team with unique skills and experiences from different backgrounds.


Attached to this email please find my letter of application. I would be honored if we form a writing team together.

301 Shuge Luo Application Letter

Kind regards,



To: Enguang, samuelshi20@outlook.com

From: Shuge Luo, shuge@student.ubc.ca

Date: September 22, 2020

Subject: Re: Professional Writing team Invitation


Hello Enguang,


Thank you for your email inviting me to the professional writing team. I notice that you are a BCS student as well which could contribute towards the basis for our alignment. I believe that a similar academic background and career interests could complement one another.


I also notice that the experience you gained in delivering team project surely would be a valuable asset for our team.


As such, I happily accept your invitation to join your writing team and hope we work together soon.

301 Shuge Luo Application Letter


Kind regards,


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