

Hello, I’m Shujun, and welcome to my ENGL 301 Technical Writing Web-folio!

This web-folio is intended to highlight my academic and professional interests. It contains some of my best works in ENGL 301.

Here’s the navigation menu: (Please search the keywords to find the post, I noticed some problems with Pages, and they don’t display properly. Sorry for the inconvenience 🙂 )

  1. Home: You are here!
  2. About me: A short bio about me 
  3. Blog: Unit 1-3 plus other ENGL 301 Reflections
  4. My Resume
  5. My LinkedIn: A page with my Linkedln link, which will take you to another website.
  6. My Application Package
  7. Best works: Revised peer reviews, ENGL 301 Formal Report