
Hi, my name is Shujun Peng. I’m from China. I am a 3rd-year student at the University of British Columbia. You want to hear my major? Interestingly, I don’t have a major. I am in an Interdisciplinary program, in which I am free to choose three majors, and once I finish the upper-level courses in all three majors, I can graduate. I chose to be in this program because I am the kind of student who can’t decide on a major, and I don’t want to force myself to make a decision. Currently, my major areas of study are Asia study, history, and English.

Because I am a native speaker of Chinese, I volunteered at the UBC Chinese Program. I enjoyed working there, I met a lot of good friends, also my mentors.

In my spare time, I like to read novels. I wanted to study English is because I started to read English novels in

middle school. Although I couldn’t understand them very well, I find a unique beauty in English, and that planted a seed in me.

The first book I read in English is THE RAZORS EDGE. Amazing book, if you like this book as well, comment down below. 🙂

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