“It’s our church, it’s our store, it’s our school. We have elders’ gatherings there annually.”
Chiefs of First Nation groups are declaring their property of their unceded land in BC, rejecting BC Hydro’s $8 billion Site C hydroelectric megaproject. First Nation Chief Roland Wilson proclaims that the Aboriginal tribes will challenge the decision in the Federal Court of Canada if Ottawa approves of the project. If BC hydro launches this project, the finished dam would flood 83 kilometres of the Peace River Valley, destroying farmland, wildlife habitat, and impair the Aboriginals’ right to carry out their daily rituals.
I think it’s a wrong move for BC Hydro to challenge the First Nations, since they are not only one of BC Hydro’s key customers, partners, but they are the suppliers to BC’s resources since they have ownership to most of BC’s land. For a business to thrive, it has to form positive customer/supplier relationships considering that their main goal should be to generate the greatest value to their stakeholders.
Instead of committing to this project, I suggest BC Hydro to choose another alternative source of power, such as wind, solar and geothermal power. These substitutions will not only resolve the conflict with the First Nations, but create a positive eco-friendly external image for BC Hydro.
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