Humour in Advertising
Humor in advertising is definitely an art. When done right, it always works really really well! Some of the most memorable advertising campaigns in recent history, regardless of company size and marketing budget, and whether broadcast, print or online-only, have involved humor.As an audience myself, I always find myself most enjoy being entertained instead of pitched. Based on my personally experience, appealing to the products emotionally can effectively lead to further engagement with the products in the future. According to a 1993 Journal of Marketing study that examined multinational effects of humor on advertising (a study that still stands true), the major conclusion was that “humor is more likely to enhance recall, evaluation, and purchase intention when the humorous message coincides with ad objectives, is well-integrated with those objectives, and is viewed as appropriate for the product category. Under such circumstances, humorous advertising is more likely to secure audience attention, increase memorability, overcome sales resistance, and enhance message persuasiveness.” When executed properly, humor helps cut through the noise and helps you stand out. If you can make someone laugh, there is an emotional connection with them. And anything you say beyond that is going to be more meaningful.
Writing a great piece of humor is no simple task.I agree that an effective ad needs to convey valuable purchasing information and specifics to its potential customers, but I also find out the campaigns that failed to get my attention, as well as many other people’s were usually trying to include too much product messaging. Many companies that simply are not willing to take a risk by being a little bit edgy. If you are safe, your results are most likely to be average. Maybe it’s when you take a chance that something can become really big. Hope the following examples of witty outdoor advertisements can make you smile while thinking about the products.
Builds Strong Teeth
The Real Milkshake
Everyone/thing loves Pepsi
Cemex: quick dying concrete