It’s Not [Just] About the Money

As a student, I agree with Kalpana R’s article, “Education Is More Than Scoring Marks”  in that education isn’t just about getting the highest score; it’s about making discoveries, gaining experience, and enriching lives.

The perfect metaphor for business.

Business isn’t solely about making the highest revenue; it is about successfully solving social, economic, and environmental issues while benefitting both firm and people, hence creating shared value.  Successful firms, like successful students view problems and challenges as opportunities to discover. Attempting to solve problems, whether successfully or not, gives a firm experience and insight into the issue, which are beneficial for future attempts. If a solution is found, because of the competitive nature of firms and students, a firm will make the solution so ground-breaking and new that it would guarantee to keep competitors busy for a long time, just like how a student would want to have the most creative answer and keep his/her classmates thinking.

The solution is sustainable, and it benefits the creator and the recipient of the finished product.

Like accomplished students, a business will only do well if it focuses less on trying to get the highest grade, and focus on creating sustainable solutions to issues that will benefit people inside and outside of the firm.


Like accomplished students, a business will only do well if it focuses less on trying to get the highest grade, and focus on creating sustainable solutions to issues that will benefit people inside and outside of the firm.

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