Blackberry Part 2: The Rotten State of Affairs

With regards to my earlier post of Blackberry and its deception in leading stakeholders astray, I feel that Blackberry must rescue its operations by starting from scratch and modifying their business models.

Apart from the negative publicity and deterioration in stakeholder relationship, competition from Apple and Samsung with its touch screen counterparts have facilitated in paving the path towards the rotten state of nature Blackberry suffers in and the only way out is to revamp their business model ensuring diversity, innovation and an increase in stakeholder relationship leading to increasing investment and therefore greater growth. However, it also needs to conduct a swot analysis indicating its internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. They could also conduct a Porters Five Forces of analysis that represents the balance of power currently in their current business situation and assess the current competitive position. The fishbone diagram can also help in identifying problems and therefore the company can devise a strategy to fix them. With regards to my earlier blog post, misrepresenting the state of their operations have incurred a relevant cost for the company in terms of long term investment and public relations with the investing public.However, the seeds of the blackberry fruit have been scattered. They just need to be scattered in conditions where they can proliferate and grow.



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