Thinking of investing in Blackberry? Think again

In November 2006, Webster’s New World College Dictionary named the ‘New Word of The Year’, ‘Crackberry’. The word ‘Crackberry’ was greatly alluded to one of the most endearing and thriving business corporations in the world : Blackberry.The seeds were scatted and  the company was ripe for the taking.

Fast forward 7 years later, and the seeds are scattered, but the fruit is rotting. In relation to my last blog post about ethics, according to the article, Blackberry’s decision to lead investors astray on the company’s future, in my opinion, is not only highly unethical but also leads to a highly unsustainable business model. In my view, it is imperative for a company to secure trust among its stakeholders in order for it to be successful and attract further investment. Deceiving their own stakeholders has not only lead to distrust and a decline in stakeholder relationship but has also induced a class action lawsuit further dampening the brand image and therefore resulting in lack of investment. This eventually leads to an unsustainable business model.



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