The Extinction of T.V? – Why Cable Television Isn’t Dying Anytime Soon

Amongst the backdrop of incessant rants over the imminent extinction of cable television promulgated by the media and ‘experts’; it comes to no surprise that the general consensus is that cable television as we know it is dying. With the recent surge in Netflix’s popularity and its market share value of $349.76 as of today, most pundits feel compelled to spell the end of cable television. However, the facts show otherwise.

For instance, 97% of all video was watched on a television. Less than 3% was viewed online

The point here is that the perception of cable television dying is deceptive because we are looking from the perspective of young university students who habitually use the internet for our daily dose of entertainment gratification. For us, accessibility to use the services of Netflix is highly convenient. However, Netflix isn’t suitable to satisfy the needs of a larger and older demographic. The older generation, for instance, hasn’t quite grasped the concept of Netflix as of late as they’ve already been conditioned to watch cable television to satisfy their needs.

An established consumer base with high brand recognition and an extensive reach to families worldwide are just some of the reasons why cable television isn’t dying any-time soon.  In addition, with the lack of expansion into international markets for Netflix, the added advantage for extensive distribution channels for worldwide consumers to use the services cable television provides is highly significant. Thus the statement that TV is dying is redundant – Nothing could be further away from the truth.


One response to “The Extinction of T.V? – Why Cable Television Isn’t Dying Anytime Soon

  1. The demise of cable TV has been written about for many years but cable continues to hang on. This article discussed why cable is faced with these issues, smart Tv is always best for all time

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