Mark Zuckerberg

The genius creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, was recently listed in Forbes’ 2011 billionaires as number 52. His success aligns perfectly with the definition of an entrepreneur. Categories taken into consideration when classifying someone as performing entrepreneurial ventures are: amount of wealth created, speed of wealth creation, risk, and innovation. Facebook has an estimated value of $82.9 billion by SharesPost Inc. Of this, Zuckerberg’s initial wealth increased to an estimated value of $17.5 billion. This value extends well beyond that of the definition’s several million dollars. What makes these numbers so astonishing is the speed at which they rose. Facebook was created in 2004, and within the 7 years of its commencement its value increased exponentially. This success however, was not attainable without some risk involved. As was seen in the film, “The Social Network”, law suits over where the idea for a social networking website originated were a barrier Zuckerberg was forced to overcome. The innovation behind his idea is unimaginable. Zuckerberg created a website allowing people to share the innermost aspects of their lives in ways never done before. The undertaking was no small feat; however, Zuckerberg was an instant success, and will forever remain a superb example of a modern day entrepreneur.

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