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An article in the Globe and Mail discussing the Musqueam first nation’s real estate development plans contained an example of long-term strategy. Currently, the Musqueam nation possesses vast areas of land, ranging from the 59-hectare University golf course with 9-hectares adjacent to it, to the Fraser Arms Hotel property in Marpole. Their primary focus is to develop a hotel on the 9-hectares beside the golf course. Mr. Campbell, the Musqueam Chief, recognizes the need to connect with the non-native community as the project gets underway.

The investment company, Aquilini, recently constructed 40 new residences on reserve land and now has its development manager working on the reserve for the next three years as an “in-house project manager”. Through having an office on the native reserve, Hoffman will create relationships and trust with the people, and favorably set his company up with the natives who are a nation commonly viewed as difficult to work with. Aquilini hopes that when it comes time to develop the project, they will be the chosen partner. This strategy of maintaining a good relationship and learning how to work in each others’ environments, will give Aquilini a competitive advantage for potential future projects over other organizations, and will give the Musqueam the non-native connection they desire.

Photo Links: Musqueam, Aquilini

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