Learning about yourself- in class exercise

1/ Post your results to your blog, with the tag “in class exercise”. On separate “lines” list each of the four traits, your score, and whether this represents a high, medium or low value for the personality trait.

Machiavellianism: 45

Since this is ranked out of 50, I scored extremely high on this trait compared to the national averages. Basically this means that I will manipulate others and be pragmatic into achieving short-term goals.

Self-Monitor: 35

In this test I scored rather low on which I completely agree because I feel like sometimes I just say things before I think, thus limiting my self-monitor. I think that my filter is rather low and that I say things on impulse.

Emotional Intelligence: 87

For this test, I scored rather high, above the normal averages. I believe that this is somewhat true giving cause to the fact that I am able to detect emotions and signs of stress rather easily. I can use others emotions to by benefit, thus giving me a higher than average EQ score.

Competing Values Framework: 5.3

This test I valued traits like initiative, delegation, and communication. Especially communication between team members as well as between potential clients, I value these skills rather than the others because I believe a leader must be able to talk, communicate their ideas and lead indecently.


2/ Below the list of personality traits, blog about your results. Summarize your personality characteristics, as measured, and then show your thinking about how these might affect your ability to work with others. 300 words MAX.

My personality traits are that I am an Introvert, Sensing, Thinking and Judging, the “logistician.” Some of the traits associated with the “logistician” can certainly be beneficial to group work. Namely that I will get something done if I want it done, having a sharp mind that appreciates autonomy as well as hierarchy. However, it notes that I prefer to work alone rather than in groups, on the contrary, I do not mind working with groups at all, to that extent I disagree with the diagnostic in my results. Another point that I certainly agree with is that I extremely value honesty, however it gives off the impression that I am brutal and cold. In reality, ISTJ’s have trouble expression emotion however they certainly do and the assumption that they do not would hurt them. Interestingly, ISTJ’s make up most of the population in the world rather than extraverts. I believe that my personality characteristics will able to bring me to new heights rather than drag me down, this is because these small flaws can certainly be diminished through confidence in my positive traits. I think that I will be able to work well with others because I am pragmatic and will do whatever it takes to achieve my goals.

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