Loss of the real employee

With the prospects of new technology there is an imminent risk in the job security of employees. Citing Lauren Weber’s article on the Wall Street Journal, “The End of Employees — U.S. companies shift work once considered core to contractors, pruning costs and job security” she highlights the fact that there are no more real employees, most of today’s companies prefer to outsource to other companies, including those overseas. Thus, shrinking employee base and benefits like job security and pay. The growing loss of the employee leads to onslaughts of problems in the organization, a behavioural analysis of these issues will provide a more insightful understanding.


 source: Clover Network

The underlying issue behind outsourcing your employees is that you loose the personal relationships that can be built through hiring directly. Furthermore, you could personally motivate your employees through    providing incentives. This would lead to higher worker efficiency in the long run even though it may not be as cost effective. I believe that by using different incentives like intrinsic rewards, we will be able to save company funds whilst motivate employees.


source: Prelude Services

An example in the article says that employees hired for a movie production do not have long term contracts, as soon as the movie is done, so is their job. The problem here is that the teams form and adjourn in a very short period time, limiting the amount of success and efficiency that a team can potentially bring to the table. As companies decide to outsource more of their employees elsewhere, competitors are faced to do the same, thus increasing the divide between employee and employer. My value added to this article is that with the promises of technology coupled with globalization, increased outsourcing is inevitable. How major companies as well as outsourcing firms adapt to these changes will be up to the future. Because if employers are asked, “What company do you work for?” no one will actually know because of outsourcing.


Weber, L. (2017, Feb 03). The end of employees — U.S. companies shift work once considered core
to contractors, pruning costs and job security. Wall Street Journal Retrieved from http://ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/docview/1864014900?accountid=14656


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