Donald Trump: Questionable Ethics

Donald Trump, a textbook full of ethical violations. Not even two months in office and we have witnessed a record amount of precedents and protocols broken. This blog post will primarily focus on the ethics and personality behind Donald Trump’s toxic workplace environment, the White House.

One of the main controversies behind ethical violations in the White House is the nepotism with the appointment of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, the President’s daughter and daughter in law to an unpaid advisory role in the executive branch of government. In reference to Nathan Yip’s blog his management style is forcing, Trump has no regard for rules or protocols that are set in place to prevent violations like this. His perception is skewed in that he believes he is an exception, making judgment shortcuts to become an anomaly. However, having family in the workplace? Illegal and unethical. Continued ties with his family and business violate US anti nepotism laws that were placed during the Kennedy administration. Therefore, we must come together to lobby and petition our politicians to enforce these checks and balances.

source: Business Insider

Another issue that I noticed with Donald Trump is his personality and beliefs, specifically his temperament. Evidenced through walking out on scheduled bill signing ceremonies, refusing to shake German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s hand in front of the press, and further tweet rampages on his enemies. It almost seems as if he was a child wanting to be in a constant state of competition with everyone; having no regard for conflict resolution, cultural values and politics. In my last blog post, I wanted to remain hopeful, believing that Donald Trump’s government was only at the forming stage, however now it is past due. Through analysis, I believe that Trump’s government is currently storming and have yet to overcome the respective hurdles in the 5-stage model. (305)

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