Week One Reflection

The first week of practicum has come and gone. I cannot believe how quickly it passed by! It was full of many ups and downs but overall, I am very happy with how my performance went this week.

My number one challenge was creating and implementing impromptu lessons. Unfortunately, my students had a lot of catch up to do so we had to continue on with units of study from before March Break. So, the day before, I would be told about what needed to be taught the next day and figure it out the night before. I actually really enjoyed the challenge because it seemed very realistic to me. Teaching needs to be flexible and different needs arise at different times that need to be dealt with. I also feel that my delivery of those impromptu lessons went really well and my SA has confirmed that for me. My class’ works at a variety of speeds so I consistently needing to compensate. Planning ahead can sometimes be seen as ineffective with this bunch of students.

I feel very included in my school community. The faculty has been very welcoming and friendly to both Kate and I. We attended our first staff meeting, which I found to be a very eye-opening experience. I had never thought of all of the politics when running a school. It ran the full hour before school started and I had to hustle to get to the classroom to let students in. I did not like the rush before the day. I have learned that I need the time to settle and get my materials and myself ready for the day.

I have been able to find academic highlights in many of my students and have begun recording them in my journal. During Thursday visits, I focused on getting to know my students as individuals. Now that I am in more of a teacher role, I am looking for specific points about their learning and interactions with others. In math for example, I have been recording which students are able to finish their work early and move on to a higher-level challenge. Others, I have noticed that they have been using very polite language and offering to help student. I am also noting down the elements that are less positive such as aggressive behaviours and lack of respect. I am unsure how to resolve those issues or even approach them at this moment, but I will continue to observe and look for an answer.

This week, I have gained an greater sense of comfort in the classroom, having less and less episodes of “purple cheeks” as my students call it. (I get them when I teach longer lessons and when I am nervous about my performance). My SA has given me lots of positive verbal feedback every day. On Friday afternoon we mapped out Week 2 but I can almost guarantee with will change multiple time and that’ OK with me. It happens and I will roll with the punches as they come.

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