Week Eight Reflection

This week saw a switch of teaching placement as we had TOC (Teacher On Call) Day. Although not a totally new location, it was still a valuable learning experience. I also had the unfortunate chance of learning even more about the politics of education, with Phase 2 of the BC teachers strike being announced. It was a rocky yet successful week.

TOC was an event I had been looking forward to from the beginning. I feel this experience was a brilliant choice for us TCs to work from others’ day plans and to plan an explicit day of our own. I was placed in a 3/4 class. It was nice to experience a new classroom full of students who actually stop talking when you are talking; very refreshing. To become comfortable with the day plans, it took me a couple read throughs to grasp the instructions. I’m glad I came in early to get that done! I immediately went into my usual ways of setting up Smartboard Notebook presentations to use with the group and had a mini schedule going for the day of other tasks that needed to be completed.

Overall it was a very successful day. I lucked out with 2 spares, library and music, so it was a slower day than it could have been. I also was able to teach grade 3 math which I already do in my classroom so I was comfortable in that role. I found the scaffolding and spoon-feeding techniques that I use consistently with my group weren’t as necessary in this other classroom but definitely were helpful.

Before TOC day, it was announced that the teachers would be starting their rotating strikes. Unfortunately, I had to learn this by accidentally over hearing a conversation between two teachers during long jump practice as well as reading the notice that was placed in my students’ mailbox. Being out of the loop like that and not hearing it directly was a little bit frustrating to me, however I understand I am not welcome in union meetings. Some teachers at Carr have asked me to join as they feel it would be a valuable learning experience. However, many other teachers have firmly said it is not appropriate for TCs to participate. On Tuesday, the staffroom was taken over at recess for the meeting so I hid in my own classroom (and all the good treats were in the staffroom!). Then, on Thursday, during TOC day, my classroom ended up being used for the meeting, so I was forced to retreat to the staffroom and was not allowed back into my room until the meeting was over. Luckily I was planned ahead for after lunch but it was a bit of an inconvenience.

Thankfully this Friday went more smoothly than others as I learned the reality of Friday afternoon and what can and cannot get completed. We spent 45 minutes cleaning out our desks, supplies around the classroom and the cloakroom. We kept it slow paced and therefore my stress levels were lower.

Finally, I have spoken with one of the kindergarten teachers and she is allowing me to visit her classroom as I phase out of teaching my own classroom. Whenever I am not teaching my own students and my SA does not need me, I will be over in her portable with her class learning the ways of the K.

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