Monthly Archives: June 2014

“Vacation Pamphlets Go Flying”

There is an expression in the English speaking language about teachers: Those who cannot do, teach.

In Switzerland, they have a similar expression: When a teacher gets hit by a bus, what do you see? Vacation pamphlets go flying.

After a discussion with another teacher here in Switzerland, it seems that no matter where you go, people have this idea that teachers get too much time off, work short hours and have easy jobs

Especially right now, in a time of Job Action in BC, I wish more people could truly understand the complexities of being a teacher.

Thank you for “teaching”

And the long term practicum has come to a close. I cannot believe how quickly it went! I am both happy and sad to be moving on. My school placement was such a wonderful place, full of so many learning opportunities and great people. Despite the Job Action drama, I am so fortunate to have been included in that school.

The title for this post is a quote from a thank you card given to me by a parent of one of the children in my class. She was a very active mom in our class and with her son and I spoke to her on many occasions. It threw me off-guard to see the word teaching in quotation marks. Instead of thinking too hard about it and taking it personally, I just showed it to my SA and we both laughed and continued eating all the goodies that the students had brought in for my going away party.

Below are some (unfortunately LARGE) pictures from the last few days…

My compliment chart written by my students

My compliment chart written by my students

My SA and I on my second last day...we didn't plan it!

My SA and I on my second last day…we didn’t plan it!

Walking out of class on the last day with all of my things

Walking out of class on the last day with all of my things