Opening Statement

To me, teaching is a puzzle. A PUZZLE IS A PICTURE MADE UP OF MANY SMALL PIECES. Everyone creates their own picture, working at it from different angles, starting with different pieces, creating a piece of art.

Puzzle Picture

The Teacher Education Program at UBC has revealed some methods to assist in my personal photo construction. Some instructions were explicit while others I had to work on my own to understand.  After graduation, it’s up to me to find the rest and keep the puzzle construction going.

Each page of this Portfolio represents just one small section of the photo…a segment of the overall. As well, each of my blog posts counts as a new understanding to my photo creation. I continue to add to it as my understandings grow and I learn new elements of teaching.

Finally, I do not believe that my photo construction will ever end. Each individual continues to add to their puzzle throughout his or her life. Personally, I always want to be a learner, enriching my understandings and growing as an educator.

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