Category Archives: Practicum

The day before practicum…

Well, it all starts tomorrow. Oh geez, where has the time gone?! To say I’m nervous would be an understatement. I know I’m prepared and I know it is all going to be ok, however, I’m currently in that “BUT WHAT IF ___________ HAPPENS?! WHAT DO I DO?!”


I have all my books, I have my binder, I have my lesson plans, and I now have a few new outfits to wear. I’ve done all I can for now and just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow!


Before March Break, my practicum school participate in a full-school musical entitled Together. It was a collection of short dialogues and songs that revolved around the theme of working together to accomplish goals such as saving the planet. I spoke with the director of it a few times and was able to help out with some ideas for speech and choreography. For my class specifically, I created their prop of 2 puzzle pieces that came together at the end of the dialogue.