Category Archives: Uncategorized

“Vacation Pamphlets Go Flying”

There is an expression in the English speaking language about teachers: Those who cannot do, teach.

In Switzerland, they have a similar expression: When a teacher gets hit by a bus, what do you see? Vacation pamphlets go flying.

After a discussion with another teacher here in Switzerland, it seems that no matter where you go, people have this idea that teachers get too much time off, work short hours and have easy jobs

Especially right now, in a time of Job Action in BC, I wish more people could truly understand the complexities of being a teacher.


Had to post this…I am SO proud of myself. My chart paper skills have improved! 🙂


Earth Day Bulletin Board

A bit delayed to be posted…

For Earth Day, we watched the eBook presentation of The Lorax up on the Smartboard. There is a YouTube video clip of it with images from the book as well as the words on display and an actor reading the text. After viewing, students were given a Lorax moustache and each wrote a way that we can help be kind to the earth. This was the board I displayed them on…
