
Below, you will find entries organized chronologically by day which include pictures and details of my placement in Pfaffikon, Switzerland. This page is meant as a summary and background or context for my CFE reflections. It is also a nice memory and visual for myself and others.


June 25, 2014

After recent reflection, I have been trying to find ways to apply what I have learned in my French instructional class at UBC here in Switzerland. So, to make that happen, I thought back to one of the projects I did in that class and recreated it for my grade 2 students learning English.

Topic: Table Setting

Grammar topic: Prepositions

Terminology: cutlery and other basic food eating items

I made 2D table setting items and labels for each one. Using this, magnets to keep them on the board, and 10 actual forks, spoons and knives, I ran two 45 minute lessons with the grade 2s. We did LOTS AND LOTS of repetition and took everything in small steps. We used many full sentences, practicing identifying the items (“Where is the fork? Here is the fork.”) and then applying our new knowledge to some games.

Both myself and the grade 2 teacher believe the lesson went well and that students understood the material. We gave them homework so the independent work will be the evidence if we are correct.

Here is a picture of the manipulatives I created that were used throughout both lessons:


June 24, 2014

Been a very busy last 2 days. As it is my last week already (WOAH!) there is a lot to do and finish up before I go.

This week, my tool has been BrainPop ESL. I have used BrainPop in my extended practicum before and have always been incredibly impressed with the amount of fun, interactive and information lessons and activities the website has. The ESL version does not disappoint. I have been able to use videos and their corresponding activities with both my grade 4 and 5 students. They enjoy the multi-media aspect and are very engaged in the lessons. The website breaks down grammar topics into small sections, making it easy for us as a class to tackle a new subject.

The videos speak slowly, have wonderful visual representation of concepts and terms, and even have repeat-after-me type components. I plan on having students working independently on the website, clicking around and exploring, learning English as they go.

June 20, 2014

Been spending more and more time in the grade two classroom. Thought I would take some photos to show the difference between it and the grade 5 classroom.

View from the front

View from the front

View of the side, opposite the windows

View of the side, opposite the windows

The front area where the students sit on stools in a circle

The front area where the students sit on stools in a circle

The little Ikea step stools the students use as seat in the front area

The little Ikea step stools the students use as seat in the front area

As comforting as a carpet is, I believe that students are less likely to fidget when they sit on these stools. In my opinion, trying to sit with your legs crossed for a long time can be very hard. These stools appear to be much more comfortable and easy to set up and clean up.

June 19, 2014

Another big English lesson in the grade five classroom this week. Topic: Suggestions part 2. I decided to add more visuals in the classroom that we could keep up during the week as reference. Here’s what I created:


The lesson went really well, in my opinion. The students seemed happy and eager to participate in all aspects.

June 17, 2014

Week Two has begun and there has already been a lot of action and teaching. Today, it was Sports Day. At this school, and in this school district, Sports Day is more of a competition of skill between students of the same gender and grade group. Students compete in a variety of track and field styled events: 60 meter dash, 1000 m run, long jump, high jump and ball throwing. Our school pairs up with another school close by for the event and it runs all day with the grade 4, 5 and 6 students.

My responsibility was the ball throwing station. Along with 2 other teachers, we measured the spot the ball first hit after students complete and over hand throw. All distances, and times for the races, are recorded and sent into the school board for their records. Internally, we use the scores towards a points tally and students are awarded medals in their gender and grade group for overall point achievement.

I found it to be a great morning (I taught grade 2 in the afternoon). Students were very encouraging and it was nice to see the two schools interacting. My class had been preparing for this day during their Sports (PE) periods. They experimented with techniques for each style of competition, seeing which was the most effective to obtain a good score.

Although many schools are now removing medal ceremonies and rankings of students, I agree with it and think it is an accurate representation of the real world: some people win, and some people don’t- that’s just how it works! I believe that schools are becoming to soft around the edges to be sensitive to students feelings. However, if they do not learn now, then when it happens as an adult, it will be a terrible struggle for them.

June 13, 2014

It was all about grade 2 today. I spent 2 periods in their class speaking English. I must get a photo next time to compare the room to the grade 5 room. The students have stools that they use to sit on in a circle at the front of a class- similar feel and set up to “the carpet” like we have in Vancouver.

My lesson today started with a story. I had to be extremely animated and visual with my body to make sure students understood the words. The book was supplied by the teacher of the grade 2 class that she got at an English book story in Zurich. She later commented that she and her students really enjoyed my reading of this story.

We then moved onto prepositions: on, in, behind, between, in front of, next to etc. This topic has just been introduced last week in conjunction with a new unit on “The House.” I found 2 videos on YouTube that I used to start off the lesson and provide a review. They were kindergarten styled videos made by people in the USA but they were perfect. The students had me replay them many times and we all sang along. “Where’s the monkey, where’s the monkeyyyyyy? The monkey’s under the bed, the monkey’s under the bed”…. etc.

We then moved onto a worksheet that we went through together that had fill in the blank questions relating to a shelf of a toys. First we identified the name of all the toys (train, bear, horse etc.) and then we worked as a class to fill in all the answers.

After a recess break, we moved onto a cutting and gluing activity that had them forming sentences that related to pictures. First I demonstrated in depth how to cut out the words and glue them in their notebooks.  Unfortunately we ran out of time, but all students completed 1 of the 5 required sentences. After a conversation with the grade 2 teacher, she said that the activity was great but a little too high of a level for them as they mainly do speaking and listening activities in grade 2. However, we will continue with that activity next week and I will add to it and make it easier for them.

June 12, 2014

Today we did our first lesson of our art project of hot air balloons. We are using balloons with a d paper mache cover to make them. Step one was getting a balloon and covering it with 3 layers of newspaper. Personally, I think it went really well. First we discussed hot air balloons, then I discussed and drew out all the materials they would need and the steps they needed to do. Despite some students not liking getting their hands sticky in the paper mache, all of them completed stage 1 today and now they are drying by the windows. Next week= stage 2!

Stage 1 completed

Stage 1 completed

June 11, 2014

Here is a hilarious excerpt from the text my teacher is using for the 2 students who already speak English. It is from a textbook about English speaking countries. This was from the section on Canada:


The section it is apart of relates to stereotypes, so it is a valid entry…despite it’s origins from a beer commercial.

I also was looking through the text that my teacher uses for teaching English, as I wanted to make sure my lessons followed along with the unit of study. For the grade 5 classroom, they are learning about technology and inventions relating to using verbs in the past tense. There are 5 different inventions/inventors they can choose to look into further, each with a different level of difficulty. I found this very effective for instruction- students can choose how much they want to challenge themselves. Personally, I would go for this one:


June 10, 2014

The first day!

Well, I was incredibly nervous, I can say that for sure. I got to school 45 minutes early to meet my teacher and get a feel for the school. I walked into a silent building with barely anyone around. Apparently not many teachers get there very early.

There is one class and classroom per grade in that school, and in the main building is where the grades 1-6 are. The other building houses the kindergarteners, the handcraft rooms, and the gymnasium.

The classrooms are HUMONGOUS! However, looking inside, they are composed of different elements than elementary classrooms you see in Canada. Here is a picture of my grade 5 classroom during the recess break:

View from the front

View from the front

View from the back of the room

View from the back of the room

They have a Reggio vibe to them that is for sure. These students sit in rows because they were a difficult to manage group at the beginning of the year. Other rooms had them sitting in pods. The grey papers at the front are name cards they made for me so I can learn their names.

Here are some other pictures from around the class and the hallway:

The door into my classroom

The door into my classroom

The 3rd floor hallway. You can see the grade 4 classroom door across the hall

The 3rd floor hallway. You can see the grade 4 classroom door across the hall

The inner workings of a student's desk

The inner workings of a student’s desk

White board with homework schedule

White board with homework schedule

Today I taught their “Sports,” PE, class in the afternoon. It was 1.5 hours long! We spent the entire time outside (definitely got a sunburn). I played 3 games with them that I have played many times in my extended practicum and even at camp: Octopus, Huckle Buckle and 4 Corners. We played 4 corners outside using trees in the shade. All the games had students moving and using English words. They seemed to enjoy it.

Tomorrow I will meet the grade 4 and grade 2 classes that I will be helping out with when they have English.

June 9, 2014

It’s day 3 here already and I have barely adjusted! This whole time travel and distance from home thing has been incredibly tough on my stomach. Luckily, I benefited from a long weekend! Today was a holiday in all of Switzerland so I got an extra day to get acquainted with my surroundings and even visited another city.

I have been in contact with my new School Advisor quite frequently over the last few days as new questions keep arising. Thankfully, she is great and quick at responding to emails. Yesterday, my homestay mom took me to the bus stops and train station to see how to get to my school. Then we traveled there and I got to see the grounds and the building early.

Below is a picture of part of the field/playground area and the front of one of the two school buildings. My classroom is in that particular building.





Coincidentally, my homestay mom is also a teacher. She teaches at one of the secondary schools just a few minutes away from her house. We have already had many interesting discussions about the education system here and how it compares to what I am used to in Canada. I told her all about the Job Action situation in BC right now and she could not believe it. According to her words, whether this was the correct English word she meant to say, she said that Swiss teachers are prohibited from striking. Apparently there is a union and they are free to speak up, but their ideas will consistently be turned out. She finds it very frustrating that people who tell the teachers what to do, are simply people who work for the state and were never teachers themselves.

Tomorrow will be my first day meeting my teacher in person and the students. She has told me they are all very excited to meet me! That makes me very nervous! Tomorrow we will discuss the school schedule and my responsibilities in more detail. Apparently, no one in Switzerland has school on Wednesday afternoons so I will always have that time off!! Sounds like a great idea I wish I could bring back to Vancouver 😉


May 24, 2014

Bought my Swizterland travel book today! Less than 2 weeks away!

I have been emailing back and forth with my homestay family and the student who was their homestay student 2 years ago. I have been getting to know them very well and have been asking many questions. The family seems incredibly welcoming and I cannot wait to meet them!


March 25, 2014

Just found out that the school is mostly German speaking…

Looks like I need to go learn some German!


March 24, 2014

For my Community Field Experience in June, I have be placed in an international placement in Switzerland! To say that I am excited is an understatement.

Today I found out that my host school is in Pfäffikon, a village/small city with a small lake, called Pfäffikersee. Grade-unknown. English speaking- unknown.

Can’t wait to find out more!


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