As discussed in my other posts, the application of marketing is wide. In this blog post I will discuss marketing interference with the private life. Previously I thought of marketing as connected to doing business. But when looking close at the definition of marketing, it can also be brought into your private life. A place you probably can recognize to have marketed yourself is at job interviews. But with today’s high competition in the job market, the role and influence of marketing has become bigger. As argued in my latest blog post, it is often not sufficient to have a good product. In this connotation, it is often not sufficient to just be good at what you do. According to the marketing mix, product excellence is important, but you also need to market that product excellence and show to future employers how exactly how add value. The tool for that is personal branding. You need to turn your unique talents into a winning formula.
Personal branding is relatively small in my home country, Denmark. Coming to The University of British Columbia, I can see the significance of personal branding. The university offers personal branding courses that focus on the power of social media, CV, Cover Letters and job interviews.
I will offer a reference to a book that has helped personal branding and give an example on personal branding through a highly recommendable blog.
The book Brand You by John Purkiss and David Royston-Lee offers advice on how to build your brand. In short, personal branding is about you! It shall be about telling your story to the world. You shall not point out why you are exactly like everybody else. Also, you need to actively manage it, be authentic and consistent.
An example on impacting personal branding is a blog written by the motivational speaker and my friend, Anders Hasselstrøm. While at the same giving advice on personal development, happiness, motivation, and success, the blog shows what kind of person he is and what he vouches for. Take a lot at it to get inspiration on personal branding, but also if you are interested in making yourself the best you can be.
Personal branding can help to turn your unique talents into a winning formula and thereby your brand into a valuable asset. Go brand yourself!