Statistics and data are things I have been passionate about ever since taking a statistics course at Copenhagen Business School. In my program “International Business and Politics” I have come to acknowledge the differences between quantitative and qualitative work. Previously, I assumed that statistics rarely are useful, but last year I came to acknowledge that statistics can be highly useful if applied the right way.
When reading Sameena Kamdar’s blog post “Hoo’s Using Hootsuite”, I immediately saw a way to combine statistics with a highly important trend within marketing, namely social media. But how do you know if social media is important. Look at this blog post “The Evolution of Social Media (2008-2013) ~ An Infographic”, then you will see the usefulness of social media.
In a recent blog post I wrote, “Marketing Yourself”, I argued that marketing is increasinglyimportant for your career. But how do you know that your own personal marketing is working? This can be accommodated by statistics, and Hootsuite provides the tool to do exactly that.
As with marketing, marketing research is what makes makes a marketing strategy successful. You can have the best product in the world, but if nobody wants it, you won’t be able to sell. Consumers might not think that the product is adding any value the same way that you think it is adding value. A metaphor for conducting marketing research is when you have a dream. A dream is something you want to
achieve one day, but you don’t know how. By planning your dream, it evolves to a goal and it is much easier to achieve and the probability of success is increased considerably. In the same way, marketing without a plan results in low probability of success. But a marketing plan conducted on a solid fundament and solid research, creates a high probability of success.
You might think that posting on miscellaneous social medias automatically will infer in results when e.g. marketing yourself for a new job or marketing your blog. But often there is a gap between what you think and the actual performance of your social medias. Hootsuite provides a program that collects data from your various social medias, and by applying statistics to that data, you can find correlations between variables. In other words, you can find out how your various social medias perform and the reasons behind their performances. Think about how useful that would be.