Simrat Tatla's Blog

Mac Money Makers

September 29th, 2010 · No Comments

Buying my MacBook Pro was definitely a bitter-sweet moment for me.
I was pretty excited that, being a university student, I was eligible for the student discount  and the free 8GB iPod Touch deal that Apple was offering(you initially had to pay the full $219 for the touch but a mail-in-rebate would give you your money back).
The city that I live in (Abbotsford) doesn’t have an Apple store where I could go to purchase a discounted laptop, so the most convenient way to buy a Macbook was online. After picking out my Mac and the additional add-ons, I was under the impression that the $1600 shown was the price I had to pay. It wasn’t until after I gave my credit card information that Apple emailed me saying that the total was actually $1800 including taxes.
I though it was very unethical for  Apple to mislead a customer into thinking that the price stated online was the total amount the customer had to pay and not clarifying that the taxes still needed to be instated.
Here’s the website where I made my purchase. The free iPod touch deal is now over, however, the discount for university students still stands.

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