Simrat Tatla's Blog

Bold = Better?

October 3rd, 2010 · No Comments

While in my usual state of procrastination, I was watching t.v., when this commercial of these two businessmen sitting on the beach  comes onto the screen. They’re talking about random rates of chance such as “there is a 2.2% chance of being stung by a jelly-fish at the beach”. When all of a sudden, an enormous monster foot emerges out of the water and steps onto the beach. I was strangely intrigued by this commercial. The commercial was for the Standard Life financial services institution. I don’t know if it’s just me but I would not have expected a finance commercial to be that interesting.  I found an article online that mentioned Standard Life was in the process of creating another commercial this time with aliens. In the article, Standard Life’s Vice-President of external communications and public affairs said that in order for people to recognize their company they needed to be more bold. I agree that the commercial I saw was memorable and eye-catching, however I think it would get old pretty fast. I think that Standard Life is on the right path of creating a better image for themselves, but is bold always better? YouTube Preview Image

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