Simrat Tatla's Blog

Green Garbage?

November 16th, 2010 · No Comments

The first company that popped into my head while trying to think of an entrepreneurial company was one that we had recently discussed in my Organizational Behaviour class (yes, believe it or not, some things from OB do stick with you). This company, called Terracycle was created by Tom Szaky in 2001, who was at the time only 19-years-old.

Terracycle uses garbage, actual garbage, such as used candy wrappers or dead cell-phones and uses them to produce all different kinds of products like backpacks, pencil cases, picture frames, even a skunk odour remover to be sold at stores like Target. On Terracycle’s website, people can sign up as “collectors” to send in garbage to this company to help contribute in creating these products. According to Terracycle’s website, there are currently  12,600,092 people collecting trash, 1,856,928,277 units of waste collected, 186 products produced from waste, and $1,482,635.23 raised for charity.

Check out the main Terracycle website to sign up and send in your trash!

Garbage such as used juice boxes are made into re-usable bags.

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