While surfing youtube on my break from studying (or attempting to study), I came across a video of a very effective way of promoting the TV phenomenon, GLEE. This video was made by Fox and filmed in a very crowded place with hundreds of people, probably during Christmas time as there was a big Christmas tree in the middle of the floor. Glee’s version of Don’t Stop Believin’ began playing and one person in the middle of the crowd began dancing. Eventually others joined that one person and the songs playing went through a variety of Glee songs. You can tell from the video that the dancing was pre-planned as they all danced the same moves but having that many people dance together to promote this show is such a creative, fun, and original tactic. This “flash mob” created a sense of unity within people while they watched and people will relate that feeling back to Glee. This was a very clever promotional stunt for Fox.
Check out the video here!

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