Simrat Tatla's Blog

Pants on the ground

December 2nd, 2010 · No Comments

As you can tell from my previous posts, I am somewhat of a Youtube fanatic. During my last visit I came across a Youtube channel called ImprovEverywhere with videos of a bunch of people doing random and crazy acts around New York. Some of these included performing spontaneous musicals in a grocery store, freezing at random times at a subway station and, my all-time favourite, wearing no pants on a subway.

Even though the stunts of ImprovEverywhere don’t really have a real purpose other than causing chaos throughout New York, they brought to my attention how bringing people together to perform these ridiculous stunts can be so effective. So, being the business student that I am, I started to think of how these stunts could be used as a great way to market certain products. What better way to promote your company than having hundreds of people coming together, doing crazy things that people will always remember? I have always been unsure of what to specialize in through my BCom experience, but if I get to be this creative and enjoy myself this much in marketing, then I’m sold.

Watch ImprovEverywhere’s videos on their Youtube Channel!


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