Simrat Tatla's Blog

What are you waiting for?

December 6th, 2010 · No Comments

The pre-recorded video of Brian Wong speaking to our Comm101 class really got me thinking. My mind was pondering on how young he was and how fast he completed his few years at Sauder. He has already done so much with his life and he’s barely 20 years old. He kept emphasizing in the video to go for whatever you want. Don’t hesitate, just do it, take a risk. So, I started thinking, what do I want to go for? I want to take a leap into something but what? I have my interests set on international business and also economic development but trying to figure out what I want to do with that is extremely frustrating. One day I want to achieve the feeling of knowing that taking that risk was the best decision of my life but what that risk may be is still unknown to me.

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