Simrat Tatla's Blog

Denmark says good-bye to fossil fuels.

October 3rd, 2010 · 1 Comment

Is it possible,or for a better word should I say is it realistic  for a country to completely shut off it’s uses of fossil fuels and run solely on renewable energy sources? In the case of Denmark, this Scandinavian country is considering in ceasing all uses of fossil fuels by 2050. At the moment 80% of Denmark’s energy sources come from fossil fuels. The plan is to reduce their use of fossil fuels to 15%. Call me crazy but I think that’s a big change in 40 years. Currently, Denmark does use some wind farms for some energy sources, but would it be possible to use these for the majority of their energy use? In Denmark’s case I think this goal may be attainable, however if a country as big as Canada, or the USA tried to phase out fossil fuels entirely, I do not think it would work. This video gives more information on Denmark’s potential to run on wind power. YouTube Preview Image

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