Iphone 6 plus “Bendgate” – it is not a thing

A screen shot of a YouTube video in which someone bends an iPhone 6 Plus by applying extended pressure with his hands.

Apple began to sell its new product, iphone 6 and iphone 6 plus on September, which has caused wide public concern.  While the new design of 4,7-inch screen for iphone 6 and 5.5-inch for iphone 6 plus attract people’s attention, the ads on its official website “Bigger and bigger” sounds  original.

However, the product – iphone 6 plus is not as perfect as it looks like.  Few people who bought iphone 6 plus immediately after it is offered found it accidentally  bent in their jeans’ pocket. That is how rumours spread. Some media exaggerated this flaw into a extremely serious issue which might negatively affected the reputation of Apple even though only 8 out of 10000 iphone 6 plus  became warped.

From my perspective, it is not fair for  Apple to be blamed excessively for 8 bent iphone 6 plus.  As a company which has a huge quantity of following as its innovative design and high quality,  Apple apparently is one of most popular brand right now. Therefore,  its products are always under spotlight.  People easily become captious about it, hoping that Apple products are permanently flawless. However, what people ignore is that iphone is a human product made by low-weight metal. It is bigger so it is scientifically much easily to bend.  Meanwhile, Apple also has indicated that customers owned a bent iphone can have replacement in Apple Store.

To sum up, iphone 6 plus is still worth buying as it is creative and awesome.





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