Comments on “KNOCK OFF IS OFF”

Nothing can be more exciting than a nice holiday without disturbance. As is mentioned in your blog post, the internet has made it hard for us to separate our personal life from our work. Although the employees are in holiday, their employer can also easily find them and ask them back to work whenever they would like to. In some urgent cases, it may make sense for the employees coming back to work as it is every employee’s responsibility to help their company through difficult time.

However, it is true that a number of managers sometimes send their employees emails about their jobs in holiday simply for their personal benefit such as the promotion of their own. Not only does it disturb their employee’s relaxing holiday, it also put pressure on them. They would possibly be less productive under such pressure.

At last, I am so glad to see that it is legitimate for the employees to have a peaceful holiday without any contacts from their employers in Germany.  I hope that Andrea Nahles’  hard work on protecting the right for the employees in holiday in his own country would be paid off some day. 




“KNOCK OFF IS OFF” by Zhuge Jiamin:


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