A creepy pasta for the Halloween – the Lavender Town Myth

The Lavender Town, a very small town in the map of the cheery game Pokemen Red & Green is a mysterious place. It was connected to the suicide issues in Japan as a lot of children killed themselves after the exposure of the game.  It is also weird that an obscure programmer of this game committed suicide a few days after the game was released.  As is known to all, Pokemen series are very positive games for the children. The only thrilling part of the game would be the Lavender town in Pokemen Red & Green. Thus, the public thought that the Lavender town was the cause of suicide.  That is how the rumour about the Lavender town began to spread.

Actually, the Lavender town was designed for the dead pokemen. In this town, you could see the spirits of the pokemen haunted around. The trainers of these buried pokemen were always there mourning their beloved pokemen. The background was black and white. However. all these things listed above were not the most horrible part. The music, which was  a clever use of binaural beats, was really creepy even for an adult like me. Some people even thought this music had special frequency which only harmed the children. 

This story was proved to be unreal after many years. However, it pops up from time to time on the internet. People may think it interesting as there are many different version regarding the detailed stories behind the Lavender town and the suicide coincidence. Also, out of curiosity, a number of people may start to play this old game in order to unravel this mystery by themselves. This would be something good for the game company.





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