Comments : “Lean Manufacturing – A Panacea for All Industries?”

Starbucks VIA


“Lean Manufacturing” is an interesting method used in auto-making industry. It seems something new for me. After reading your post, I think it is a manufacturing strategy focused on efficiency and quality. I can also see your concerns about the application of this method into Starbucks.

It reminds me of some news I have ever read about the sales strategy of VIA instant coffee of Starbucks a few months before.

Starbucks began to think about how to boost the sales of their instant coffee since many of their stores shut down in the financial crisis in 2008. Although VIA instant coffee seemed to be something that was not quite consistent with their value proposition, it was a new way for Starbucks to reach more customers in different countries other than brewed coffee in their stores.  Also, instant coffee was cost-cutting while the taste of it was tested to be as good as fresh-brewed coffee. It mean customers did not need coffee mill or even directly go to their store to get a cup of Starbucks coffee. They could paid less to get VIA instant coffee for convenience. Of course, the most important thing was. this new product – VIA instant coffee did make profit for Starbucks.

From my perspective, the manufacturing strategy of VIA instant coffee can be an application of “Lean Manufacturing” as it cut the cost for the company without sacrificing the quality of their product. To some extent, I believe that it proved the feasibility of this method in the service industry.







Lean Manufacturing–A Panacea for All Industries?”  by Yifan Yang (Classmate)

Lean Manufacturing–A Panacea for All Industries?


The NY times “Starbucks to Sells Instant Coffee” by Reuters


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