Social entrepreneurs are different from the normal entrepreneurs. The normal entrepreneurs build companies and start business just for money. However, the aim of social entrepreneurs is to solve social problems, improve society and make life easier. The social entrepreneurs are creative and innovative. They develop new technology to achieve the sustainable development and help public. They focus on many different social problems like the human right violations, the poverty and underprivileged children. They care about their impact on society more than money they can get. Most of social entrepreneurs are ambitious, mission driven, strategic and resourceful. In fact, we can find out that there are some social entrepreneurs around us. For example, Arielle Uwonkunda who acquire business skills at Sauder led the expansion of the school’s Arc which is about the exchange of business skill and knowledge to help entrepreneurs in developing countries. In my opinion, be a social entrepreneurs is more interesting to be a normal entrepreneurs who only want to make more money. Achieving own social value is more meaningful than to be a rich person. I prefer to help more people and do more things which can benefit the whole society. What is more, be a social entrepreneur is more challenging, because a social entrepreneur need to make money to maintain the whole company or the program and need to benefit society at the same time.