Monthly Archives: November 2014

Social entrepreneurs


Social entrepreneurs are different from the normal entrepreneurs.  The normal  entrepreneurs build companies and start business just for money. However, the aim of social entrepreneurs is to solve social problems,  improve society and make life easier. The social entrepreneurs are creative and innovative. They develop new technology to achieve the sustainable development and help public. They focus on many different social problems like the human right violations, the poverty and underprivileged children. They care about their impact on society more than money they can get. Most of social entrepreneurs are ambitious, mission driven, strategic  and resourceful.  In fact, we can find out that there are some social entrepreneurs around us. For example, Arielle Uwonkunda who acquire business skills at Sauder led the expansion of the school’s Arc which is about the exchange of business skill and knowledge  to help entrepreneurs in developing countries. In my opinion, be a social entrepreneurs is more interesting to be a normal entrepreneurs who only want to make more money. Achieving own social value is more meaningful than to be a rich person. I prefer to help more people and do more things which can benefit the whole society. What is more, be a social entrepreneur is more challenging, because a social entrepreneur need to make money to maintain the whole company or the program and need to benefit society at the same time.

The third comment about another blog

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After graduation, most students in Sauder will consider to start a business, so there are a problem. Some people choose to build a new business by own, because they think it is more interesting and they like challenges.  However, after  reading this blog , I believe buying a business is a better choice. Firstly,  we are not familiar with the whole  market. We are new and immature. The existing business already has the supplier, customers, employees and so on. Hence, we do not need to worry about this kind of things. The work load of us will decrease. What is more, if we start a new business, we need to find a way to make more people know and believe our companies. It is reasonable that new companies have no reputation and needs a lot of advertisements. In this situation, when we buy an existing company, we can pay more attention on innovation and creativity. And I think as young people, we are creative and innovative. However, there are also challenges for young people who want to buy an existing business. It is also difficult for them to keep up relationships or handle employees who are resistant to changes. Nonetheless, by and large, buying business is much easier for us than build a new business.

The trade between China and Korea

NEWS Link :

Recently, Korea and China declared that they had reached a trade agreement which can deepen the trade relationship between Korea and China  and they plan to sign a deal by the end of 2014. The trade between Korea and China make life easier. South Korea already  trade with China more than the united states and Japan. The trade between Korea and China  stimulate the development of Korean economy.  A large number of revenues are achieved by the trade with China. However, there are some bad influence on Korea due to the trade. In politic, the South Korea is in an awkward position, because the rising political and military  rivalry between the United States and China. South Korea need the United States to help to solve the threat of North Korea’s military.   At the same time, South Korea do not want to give up benefits of the trade with China. As far as I am concerned, Korea should  keep deepening the international trade with china because the trade can make a large number of profits for two countries.  The life of people in the two countries  in the two countries can be improved obviously. Additional, the political problems cannot be ignored. However, in my opinion, although international business is always  related with political problems, it is easy for countries to negotiate with each other about political problems.

The second comment about another blog

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iPhone is really popular in the modern society. Following the publish of iPhone6, every one talk about it. As the author of the blog said that iPhone 6 has a lot of disappointing drawbacks, but due to the brand marketing and customization, the popularity of iPhone6 is not affected. The brand marketing more successful than many other brand marketing in the world. Everyone knows iPhone and everyone wants to use iPhone. Someone even sells their own organs to buy iPhones. People are totally obsessed with iPhone, so some flaws cannot stop people’s purchases.In additional, selling iPhone6 and iPhone6 Plus undoubtedly cause more people to buy iPhone.

In my opinion, although iPhone company has brilliant brand market and customization to ensure their sale, the number of costumers may decrease gradually in the future. It is reasonable that if the quality of iPhones will not improve, people will lose their interests in buying iPhone. In fact, more and more people are complaining about the quality of iPhones. On the internet, people showed their bending iPhone and mock. Many people think the design of new iPhone is not as good as before. If the company do not make change to improve the quality and design of  iPhone, it may become the second Nokia.




The comment about another blog

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Reading the blog “business ethics”, I totally agree with opinions of the author. For many companies, profits definitely  overweigh than anything else. As a result, public  gets hurt in mental and physical and the authority of government will be ruined. Hence, business ethics is really crucial for companies, publics and governments. Governments do need to pay more attention on supervising the market to make sure that companies will not do anything against business ethic.

What is more, I also have other opinions. It is necessary for government  to supervise companies strictly. However,   it is more important to enable  companies to care about business ethics actively, because it is hard  for government to stop illegal actions of every companies. In additional, the education of business ethic should be put in the first step.  When people are in school, universities should teach them the importance of business ethics. On the other hand,  when companies make decisions which benefit public, those decision also can benefit them. They can achieve win-win. For example, if Mc-Donald’s can care about the health of its costumers to offer some healthy foods like organic vegetable& fruit salad, then not only people who like fast food will buy its products but also people who care about health will come to buy them. As a result, the company can get more revenues and costumers also get benefits.