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iPhone is really popular in the modern society. Following the publish of iPhone6, every one talk about it. As the author of the blog said that iPhone 6 has a lot of disappointing drawbacks, but due to the brand marketing and customization, the popularity of iPhone6 is not affected. The brand marketing more successful than many other brand marketing in the world. Everyone knows iPhone and everyone wants to use iPhone. Someone even sells their own organs to buy iPhones. People are totally obsessed with iPhone, so some flaws cannot stop people’s purchases.In additional, selling iPhone6 and iPhone6 Plus undoubtedly cause more people to buy iPhone.
In my opinion, although iPhone company has brilliant brand market and customization to ensure their sale, the number of costumers may decrease gradually in the future. It is reasonable that if the quality of iPhones will not improve, people will lose their interests in buying iPhone. In fact, more and more people are complaining about the quality of iPhones. On the internet, people showed their bending iPhone and mock. Many people think the design of new iPhone is not as good as before. If the company do not make change to improve the quality and design of iPhone, it may become the second Nokia.