  • News’ link:
  • W020110915517823482790
  • During the mid-Autumn Festival, Taiwan is involved in the food safety problem-gutter oil scandal. What is worse, the substandard oil also has been exported to HongKong, Macau and mainland China. As a result, this scandal raises fears about health risk. People lost interests in mooncakes, a traditional seasonal snack.
  • Similar scandals about safety of food happened a lot before. Besides ChangGuan , the oil company in Taiwan, McDonald’s in china also face the problem of food safety. McDonald’s uses spoiled meat to cook. Consequently, the public’s health is threatened and they gradually lost the trust of many food companies. Gradually, the occurrence of these negative news may cause the panic.
  • In my opinion, it is reasonable for companies to make profits, but they have to think about the benefits of consumers. They should not lose their sense of ethics for money.  Companies have right to make money to ensure the benefits of share holder, but if they sacrifice their costumers, it will be a huge mistakes. Considering business ethics, a good company should not deceit their costumers. And they should engages in open and free competition without deception or fraud.

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